Joseph B.
I needed a size XLarge Tall the shirt almost felt like a crop top.
Thomas N.
Great quality shirt with excellent graphics.
Nicholas E.
The Skyhawk was truly a pint-sized powerhouse!
George S.
A wonderful aircraft to fly and very well represented on this high-quality shirt.
Joseph B.
It's awesome.I first saw the A-4 when the Blue Angels were flying them at an Air Expo and researched the aircraft further and impressed with it.
Peter L.
Awesome shirt. Great quality. Always wanted one, now I own some.
Frank G.
Chris I.
I originally bought this t-shirt about 20 years ago at an air show. I recently found the shirt in my closet- however I had gotten some bleach on it from when my wife was cleaning the sink- I was glad to see that the shirt was still being manufactured- overall it’s one one my favorites- Thank you!
Ted R.
The quality of the graphic blew me away!! It was one finest aircraft T-Shirts I have seen.
I don't how well the shirt will wear and last but if it like the graphic it should really hold well!!
Kenneth S.
Very pleased the quality.
David B.
I like the shirt. I just wish the picture on the front was an A4 without the hump.